
A. Gosine (2025) “Chicken: A Visual, Queer Ecopoetics,” in The Edinburgh Companion to Queer Reading

A. Gosine (2024), Guest Editor, special section of SX Salon on Harold Sonny Ladoo; and editorial essay, “This body’s pain, Yesterdays’ joy,” and interview with Lani Maestro

A. Gosine (2024), “He/him,” in The Plural of He, Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art

A. Gosine (2023) “Animal history; animal future?Small Axe no. 71 [Selected text for book discussion]

A. Gosine (2023) “Kelly Sinnapah Mary,” Aicon Contemporary

A. Gosine (2023) “A Nation’s Maker,” Sybil Atteck, Art Gallery of Burlington
A. Gosine (2022) “Everything Slackens In A Wreck,”  Small Axe, no. 68.

A. Gosine (2022) everything slackens in a wreck, Ford Foundation (catalog).
A. Gosine (2022) “Kelly Sinnapah Mary’s Quarantine,”  Wasafiri #110.

A. Gosine and N. Mohabir (2022), Guest Editors, “Afterlives of Indenture,” Wasafiri #110

A. Gosine (2022) “stipendiat onur gökmen,maecenas. 

A. Gosine (2021) Nature’s Wild: Love, Sex and Law in the Caribbean

A. Gosine (2021) “Very Mongoose,” British Art Studies.

A. Gosine (2021) “Indentureship and the Art of Speculation,” Fragments of Epic Memory (Art Gallery of Ontario).

A. Gosine (2021) “Breath: Wendy Nanan at the Art Museum of the Americas,”  SX Salon.

A. Gosine (2020) “All the Flowers: Narrating Adolescence in Canada,” Journal of Canadian Studies. 

A. Gosine (2020) “Interracial Picturesque: Lorraine O’Grady’s History of the Americas,” The Art of Global Power, London: Routledge.

A.Gosine (2020) “The Caribbean is Indian too.” Cultural Encounters: Art of Asian Diasporas in Latin America and the Caribbean.

A. Gosine (2019) “Desir Cannibale,” Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas

A. Gosine (2019) “Animal,” C Magazine.

A. Gosine (2018) “Rescue and real love: same-sex desire in international development,” Routledge Handbook of Queer Development Studies, CL Mason, ed., London: Taylor Francis.

A. Gosine (2023) “Man Me,” Journal of Indentureship and Its Legacies [*written in 2017]

A. Gosine (2017)“After Indenture,” Small Axe, Issue 53, Duke.  Guest Editor of Special Themed Section on “Art After Indenture.”

A. Gosine (2017) “Richard Fung and Ian Harnarine In Conversation,” Small Axe, Duke.

A. Gosine (2017) “On Visual Art After Indenture: Autoethnographic Reflections,” South Asian Studies.  London: Taylor Francis.

A. Gosine (2016) “My Mother’s Baby: Wrecking Work After Indentureship,” in Indo-Caribbean Feminist Thought, G. Hosein and L. Outar, eds., London: Palgrave.

A. Gosine (2016) “Wilding,” in Annalee Davis,  The Ground Beneath My Feet: A Chorus of Bush in Rablands (Warfield)

A. Gosine (2016) “Punghah/Men in Skirts: A Plea for History,” Gender and Development: Critical Engagements in Feminist Theory and Practice, Wendy Harcourt, ed., London: Palgrave.

A. Gosine (2015) “New Worlds de Lorraine O’Grady,” in Aproximacion initial (Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo)

A. Gosine (2015) Real Love and Rescue: Same- sex desire in international development, Institute of Development Studies (monograph)

A. Gosine (2015) “CAISO, CAISO: Negotiating Sex Rights and Nationalism in Trinidad and Tobago,” Sexualities (issue date to be determined)

A. Gosine (2015) “Lorraine O’Grady’s New Worlds,” in Where Margins Become Centers (CCVA)

A. Gosine (2013) “Ohrni and Cutlass,” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies.  Volume 6, Port of Spain: University of the West Indies

A. Gosine (2013) “Murderous Men: MSM and Risk-Rights in the Caribbean,” International Feminist Journal of Politics (publication December 2013)

A. Gosine (2012) “Caribbean: Crossroads of the World,”Art in America

A. Gosine (2012) “Lorraine O’Grady’s New Worlds,” Art in America

A. Gosine (2012) “The Coral Flesh of the Indies,” ARC

A. Gosine (2012) “My beautiful roti shop”

A. Gosine (2012) “There is no Mother Roti,” ARC

A. Gosine (2011) “Lorraine O’Grady’s Landscapes,” ARC

A. Gosine (2010) “Nonwhite reproduction and same-sex eroticism: Queer acts against nature,” in Queer Ecology, C. Sandilands (ed.), Duke University Press

A. Gosine (2010) “Sex in The Clearing,” Alternatives Journal

A. Gosine (2010) “…” I’m thinking of you even when I’m kissing another boy, Ethan Shoshan.

A. Gosine and G. Wekker (2009) “Politics and Passion: An Interview with Gloria Wekker,” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies.  Volume 3, Port of Spain: University of the West Indies.  Guest Editor of this Special “Sexualities” edition of CRGS.

A. Gosine (2009) “The World Bank’s GLOBE: Queers in/queering international development,” in Queering Development, A. Lind (ed.) London: Routledge

A. Gosine (2009) “Speaking of sex: the heteronationalism of MSM,” in Sexualities, Social Exclusion and Human Rights. C. Barrow, M. de Bruin and R. Carr, eds.

A. Gosine (2009) “Mia Mottley speaks (homo) sex: An interrogation of HIV/AIDS scripts on sexuality (and a call to engage alternate strategies),” in Gender, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS: The Caribbean and Beyond, D. Roberts and R. Rheddock (eds.) Kingston: Ian Randle

A. Gosine (2009) “Monster, Womb, MSM: The Work of Sex in International Development. Development. 52.1

A. Gosine and C. Teelucksingh (2008) Environmental Justice and Racism in Canada: An Introduction. Toronto: Edmond Montgomery Publications.

A. Gosine (2008) “Fresh Off the Boat to banana boy: Queer youth cross sex, ‘race,’ nation in Toronto, Canada,” in Queer Youth Cultures, S. Driver (ed.) New York: SUNY

A. Gosine (2007) “Blonde to brown at Passing white in queer cyberspace,” pp. 139-154, in Queer Online, K. O’Riordan and D. J. Phillips (eds.) New York: Peter Lang

A. Gosine (2007) “Youth make nations: Three Toronto stories,” Topia Journal of Cultural Studies 2007: 51-66

A. Gosine (2007) "Marginalization myths and the complexity of 'men': Engaging critical conversations about Irish and Caribbean masculinities," in Journal of Men and Masculinities 9 (3): 337-357

A. Gosine (2007) “’Race’, culture, power, sex, desire and love: Writing in ‘men who have sex with men,’” IDS Bulletin 37 (5): 27-33

A. Gosine (2007) “More than nature (The greening of politics),” Alternatives Journal 33 (1): 28-29

A. Gosine (2006) “Dying planet, deadly people: ‘Race’-sex anxieties & alternative globalizations,” Social Justice 32 (4): 69-86

A. Gosine (2005) “Stumbling into sexualities: International development encounters dissident desire,” Canadian Woman Studies Journal24 (2 & 3): 59-64

A. Gosine (2004) Sex for pleasure, rights to participation and alternatives to HIV/AIDS: Placing sexual minorities in development, IDS Working Paper #228, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies

A. Gosine (2003) “Myths of diversity,” Alternatives Journal 29 (1): 12-16.

A. Gosine (2003) “Talking ‘race,’” Alternatives Journal 33 (1): 3

A. Gosine (2003) “Les Verts reinvent l’égalité,Alternatives Journal 33 (1): 16

A. Gosine (2001) “Putting a feminist face into practice: Contradictions in the French Green Party,” Women and Environments International No. 52/53: 38-39

A. Gosine (2001) “Pink Greens: Ecoqueers organize in Toronto,” Alternatives Journal 27 (3): 35-36

A. Gosine (2000) “Presenting Adrienne Clarkson: Gender, nation and a new Governor-General,” Canadian Woman Studies Journal 20 (2): 6-10.